Friday 20 September 2013


Bangkok has lost its mind recently. Everyone claiming they have the best Brunch spot in town. The high so’s are instgraming the shit out of the champagne filled oyster indulged Sundays. The Hipsters are facebooking new boutique pastry shops with ridicules French names.

Me starting this blog has made me susceptable  to such god-awful questions like, Where is my fav brunch place? Hours of discussions and opiated argument’s with my foodie friends, chefs and well lets be honest my bedroom wall. I have an answer, however I have to explain a few things before I give you my answer.

Firstly I hate brunch. For me brunch is at a 5 star hotel where I tactically size up the buffet line. Mentally calculate the cost of the goods, and systematically eat 5 times the amount I have paid. Anything else well, is just silly. Bangkok is full of places with crappy poached eggs, hollandaise sauce that taste like shit and a combination of other “brunch like items/fusion nonsense” that is just unappetizing. It is however hugely trendy. Want to impress a girl in this city, take her to brunch. Want to get 100 more instagram stalkers take photos of brunch. IF you WANT TO BE COOL! JUST BRUNCH!
This pretentious and often ridicules idea that there is time in between breakfast and lunch to eat rather then sleep is just stupid. Places pray on the foolish wannabes that sit in these places sipping their free trade coffee eating garbage and feeling special.

HOWEVER. All my little fatties all is not lost. Salvation has some in the form of 3
Scandinavian bartenders and their famously pretty all male team.

A classmate of mine who was working in London had told me he was moving back to Bangkok. He was tall dark and handsome. A luk krung ( half thai half western) that tickles every Thai persons light bulbs. He was pretty and talented. Since we were in school together his passion and dedication were evident. Working in some of the best kitchens in London gave his the ammunition to fuel his passion. He told me 3 Swedish guys were opening a coffee shop in Sathron and he was going to join them.
I have 3 Swedish friend. Who like most swedes love their coffee. Could it be? Only one way to find out. Like all things in life alcohol is the best way to get information. The Americans have waterboarding I have jaggermister. A small kidnapping and few jagger bombs later, It was true. The brains behind some of the best cocktail bars in Bangkok, The guys who have charmed and intoxicated many screaming women hurling panties, dignity and virginity. The 3 dudes you call upon if you need your martini shaken not stirred. ARE OPENING A COFFEE SHOP.

Have they lost their bloody mind? My poor friend was going to end up working in a sinking ship. Run buy 3 Swedish Vikings without a compass or GPS. What do I do? Watch him fail or by all means give this place a shot. Maybe set it on fire so they can claim insurance.

So I went. I like all of you will know; Love my food. Real food. Greasy, friend, thick juicy meat and mash potatoes. Anything else is well a waste of time.
I stumbled upon a small quaint place. The décor is very Scandinavian. Lots of wood and clean lines, I say my hellos and sit down. The menu is small. Lots of green healthy stuff. After puking in my mouth a little I decided lets give this healthy living a whirl. I was suggested a drink call green, a coffee, pouched eggs and a pulled pork sandwich. To some this may seem excessive. This was my snack as i had already had lunch ( mans got to eat) . The drink was, well green. The swedes have told me that I am the un healthiest thing in Mc Donaldnas. So maybe this will help. I was grossed out. The smell to me was revolting. But… the taste. Absolutely unreal. Every sip was like doing lines of cocaine. Giving you a buzz of freshness. Like waking up amongst freshly cut grass. The poached eggs, were well suveed. Chatin my buddy and chef was telling me the wonders of suveeing food. I think the idea of cooking in a plastic bag, is well. Fucked up. But the texture and the flavor combinations he put on the plate was delectable. Light and fresh. It was like eating from a farm on the countryside. His elegant mix of vegetables, dressings and condiments were spectacular. I found the eggs a little bland but after eating them with everything on the plate I could see his idea behind it.

Then came the second best part of the afternoon. Pulled pork sandwich. Many attempt this delectable dish. ALL FAIL. Pork is usually dry. The bread is shit, there is no sauce no relish nothing. This sandwich people is fantastic!!! Homemade bread with a sour hint. A cabbage relish to die for. The pork. OH THE PORK! Fantastic. Cooked for ages, seasoned to perfection. I dream of this dish at least once a week.  For a blogger with insomnia my dreams are precious.

The best part. Well it’s the coffee. I cant explain why its good. I don’t understand coffee. Mine is usually full of milk and sugar. This. Well this is some other kind of black gold. Have a cup of their coffees with no sugar no milk. Ask them why its done this way. You will too start a food blog and write about it.
So have I changed my opinion about brunch? NO. I still think its ridicules. Have these guys made the best brunch place in Bangkok. Well yes. The coffee is a boutique roast. Their machine cost as much as a house. Their idea and execution is immaculate. These swedes were renowned for making some of the best cocktails. To give it up and do this is. Well its like me becoming a vegetarian. And liking it.

So you want to know where my favorite brunch place is. Rocket coffee bar.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

The perfect meal.. It just maybe

What is perfection? 
Iv been on a roll recenlty reading alot of books on chefs,cooking and avan gard cooking. I didnt understand what it meant 'Avan Gard'. I was brought up in humble beginings and enjoyed good hardy food. Only in my wiser years did i start to take fancy to the more expensive things in life (thanks dad). After cooking school, small portions, foams and jellys were all i could think about. Adria Farran says a restaurant is meant to feed you. You have to leave satisfied and say ' that pork dish was delicious, devine how did he do that?'. Avan guard cooking however is brining forth an experience. A time machine of sorts that transports you to a momonet in your life or a fictional place the chef has delicalty designed. The latter is far more difficult, a skill i think you cant learn or inherit. You must be born with it. 

Marco Peier white said, food and cooking has chnaged. The dinig room in his day used to carve their meats at the table. You were treated like royalty. For those 2 hrs you knew what it was like to be a king or a queen. Again, he created experience, not just food. 

I was sceptical. If youre regular reader of this blog you know i am a cynic. The worst kind. I WILL find a flaw. It tickles me. Maybe because i can never be a great chef so i decided to destroy all those who try or claim to be. I dont know. 

But i needed to test my self. Could someone create a meal purely based on experience. Where every bite will tranform this blogger in to a wonderland with mad hatters and smiling cats! 

I guess, if you would wanna give it a shot, you go to the best. I have a saying. " get the best or dont bother at all". Im fortunate my farther has given me the oportunity to always have the best. The best in my eyes since marco has retiered and el bulli is closed has to be one of the 2 gods of cuisine. People who transfored what we know as food. Men who foodies will get goose bumps when hearing their name. Alan Ducass 21 micalin stars. 3 restauntrs with 3 stars. I mean. Legend is like a insult to the man. Then theres gordon, My idol growing up and while cooking. he has 14 but HAD 15. Now a bit of a sell out that just screams and looks like he has more botox then brains. 

One man however, Towers over the rest. If i had to list his acalades you would fall asleep wake up and still be shocked that the list still goes on. Ask any chef, cook, house wife and even the greats of today. Joël Robuchon IS DA MAN! 25 michalin stars. Famous for mash potatoes. His briliance is unparalleled, his vision of food is something we all enjoy today. He has been award MOF in cusine. MOF makes 3 micalin stars look like a walk in the park with a car! MOF

He is and will be someone poeple will admire, desire and aspire to be forever. 

So where better to test this theory of the food experience then l'atelier de joel robuchon paris champs elysees. 
This humble 2 Michelin stared restaurant is not his best. Not fine dining. But this is where Anthony boardain ate. This is where robuchon gets to kick back and make you comfort food ( well his version that is) 

The menu:
Yes like all of France THE DAM MENU IS IN FRENCH! Thank god we had a spanish waiter. No it was not Rafa Benitez, A far better looking and intelligent man who explained what was to come. 
Foir Gra in a shot glass. This amus bush is the perfect start to every meal. I mean foi gras as any cource is a MUST! remember we were in spring coming to summer. Flavours are earth and rich. Its Game and rich sauce time. 
 Asparagus with caviar
Simple and delicate. The unique taste of the asparagus with the salty texture of caviar will give you goose bumps! This is a palate clenser to the rich foir gras. A reminder of spourting fresh vegetables with the rich taste of the sea. I was starting to imagine... and dream.. 

Rich. Earthy and the delicate tocuh of a sauceir. A ravioli with mince meat. This is the contrast with the first dish. A richer earthier feel to meal. A balance of spring, new beginnings and old lingerings. Look how its plated. A green spring amouts all the brown earthyness. Like a plant fighting to come up and grow!

Lettuce Soup 
I HATE SOUPS. I never liked making them, they take up vaulable space in th stomach for foir gars and lobster. This however was breathtaking. Mysterious textures of came from lettuse and spring onions. The soup was rich and silkily. Almost a meal in its self. As im qeiting this i am licking my lips and drools like a hyena thinking about it. You think of a chill breeze and fresh cut grass. The comford of a warm meal. brilliant. 

Homard! Lobster. 
Fresh spinich leaves and malabar peppers garnish this dish. piece of lobster usually fresh and vibrate are made rich and almost stew like. Each might is warmt and comfort. For a novice seafood eater this is the best way to pop your cheery. For a seafood slut, this will tingle you in ways you havnt been tingled in a while. 

 Lime, Tomato concase and John Dory.
A meaty fish. Very thich and rich. The marrige with the tomatoes and citrus flavour of the limes. I mean people say fusion food is the next wave but look at this. Asian limes and clilantro with French John Dory. Bravo!!!!!!

His signature quail stuffed in Foir Gras. I did this dish in cooking school. It brought me back to my giant hands trying not to manhandle the delicate quail. The cooking was superb. The dish is the definition of spring. Comforting. If Joel was to give you a hug this is what it will taste like. 
In life. Everyone must do certain things. See a ping pong show, Have a 3sum and eat this. Nothing i write will do this justice. You can youtube it, see pictures Joel him self will make it for you in various cooking shows, However this. This is spectacular. Butter milk and potatoes, coming together in a almost impossible and literally heart stopping way. Almost all Michelin stared restaurants used this recipe. The Robuchon Mash they call it. If thats not icon status i don't know what is. 

I was so full i barely had a bite of these delicious treats.

You see. This for me is what food is all about. Fresh ingredients and love. Thats it. No weird smoke and textures that can be a hit and miss. Small portions with intense flavour. The skill of creating menus like this is far more difficult then making something smoke when you eat it. Most of the food you have been eating was conceived in l'atelier long long time ago. He still stands there strong. I have eaten in 3 star Michelin restaurants and 1 star places. This my dear readers. IS A MUST GO! 

Tuesday 23 April 2013


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I will be updating pictures and even asking questions about your favourite places and so on. LIKE US NOW! 


China Town!


It has almost become synonymous to everyone that if you want good food for cheap at unholy hours, you go to your local China Town. No matter what anyone says, they always seem to have the best food, worst service and the cheapest price. The Chinese way of cooking is fast, using high pressure stoves and the all-famous wok! In the olden days they used to use coal to fire their woks, with the temperature almost impossible to manage their technique of quick cooking and flavors ingredients with fermented sauces. The fermented bean and fish sauces are the core flavours Chinese food. They also like the French like to incorporate alcohol in their cook. We know anything with booze and following french cooking is good. 

The oldest China Town in is Manila, the most famous probably San Francisco, New York or London. My favorite, has to be our dear Yawarat. Famed for its gold shops, gun shops and your occasional textile trader, Yawarat is where it’s at. Some of the oldest families who now rule Thailand have come from there. The food, I dare anyone to challenge; is some of the best in Thailand. Driving down with an old-timer almost every corner is famed for something or the other. The best noodle to the best tandoori chicken. They can tell you where all the goodies we eat and take for granted actually all stemmed from here.

On this of all days Mr. X had told me about a place with amazing fresh seafood, done in a very traditional Chinese style. See, Me and Mr .X had recently taken a trip to Penang in Malaysia where I had the chance of showing him REAL Chinese food! I sense his ego bruised but belly full he had nothing to say. Today however was his revenge. A notion of: anything you and do I can do better. To accompany us of this eventful day was Mr. H, an international man of mystery. Much cannot be written about him because of his super star status so let’s just leave it at that.

The traditional Chinese restaurant necessities. Cheap “MADE IN CHINA” Bowls to put your bones, ears and other extremities you decided not to eat. An interesting addition to sauce selection is Thai seafood sauce. Possibly the best combination of flavors to ever go with seafood. A spicy, sweet, and slightly sour sauce made by what I assume to be many green things, a seafood dinner without this is not a seafood dinner at all.

 Oyster Egg
A deep fried egg mixed with corn flour and water. Some spring onions added in for good measure. The sheer size of these oysters are mind boggling. They say oysters are an aphrodisiac. That could explain why there were so many Men with families/mistresses in the restaurant. The egg is fluffy and superbly seasoned. The oysters are fresh, huge and sweet. Like Viagra on steroids these will send blood rushing to all the important organs. 
 Fresh prawns steamed to perfection
Simple. Elegant. These bundles of joy are best eaten with the green magical seafood sauce. The natural sweetness of the prawns with the sauce is just divine. The prawns are so fresh you can taste the ocean in every bite.
Warning: If you are not skilled at peeling shrimp watch out. The heads will squirt out a strong smelling liquid with the force and surprise of  a mistimed ejaculation. 
 Mud Crab Steamed with Egg Whites 
This according to our waitress/prison warden is a small crab (she must be blind because it was massive). A unusual combination for a standard Chinese restaurant. We are usually used to eating the traditional curry crab or crab with black pepper. This, however is far better the both of those combined. The egg white preserves the sweetness of the crab with out corrupting the flavor  Absolutely brilliant. I would dare to say this is the best way to eat fresh crab. 
 Stir-Fry Shark Fin with Bean Sprouts and Egg
Usually this much talked about and frowned upon dish is done in a soup. This stir-fry however gives great justice to the great white who valiantly gave his life for my deliciousness. The bean sprouts add some texture and the eggs just bring the dish together perfectly. This dish is worth eating day in day out. But I am told there are not enough sharks to provide this, so it will remain a china town delicacy. 
Suckling Pig 
This for any decent human being is like watching porn! The crispy roasted skin is just plain sexy! The fat is crispy and naturally flavored  Eaten with a Chinese pancake and sweet sauce.
This, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls is what living and eating is all about.
Juicy, soft, fatty, crispy and delicious. Every criteria you judge any dish this has all in one!
Best part to enjoy are the tongue and ears!

This place is charming. The people are loud. The food is fresh. The atmosphere is awful, the service is bad. But if you want food at its purest this is where you come. The sink to wash your hands in next to the kitchen where you can hear woks burning, knifes cutting the occasional chef singing Gangam style and a rat finding something yummy on the floor and making a run for it.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Easy Peasy Japanesey

Ogu Ogu 


"Concept Sake Bar." I'm reading the article infront of me and thinking WHAT THE HELL IS THAT! I was sitting with my favourite foodie drinking caffeine and consuming other addictive substances when I asked, what does that mean! She comes from a more sophisticated background than me. Lived in a city famed for more than just transgenders and Hangover 2. She was a proper food aficionado. i was certain she would know.

Ms. Foodie tried her very best to explain to me what a concept sake bar meant. I turned to her and replied, well it's just plain bad English (I know you critics of my writing out there are laughing. Me criticising writing is like a Thai policeman refusing a bribe! Just ridiculous). But I just did not get it. You have 'A' concept that is a sake bar. You can't have a concept sake bar. Putting it down to just good old spell check I moved on.

I have been appalled recently with these stupid, nonsense, discretion of Japanese food. Flooding the Bangkok food scene like the plague, they title themselves 'fusion'. As an Indian uncle once cleverly told me, "fusion is just confusion"(shook his head and said it with a heavy indian accent!). AND IT IS! We have a sudden influx of American-ise, or as I call it bastard-ise, sushi bars serving shit fish, using no skill and sprinkling tempura on everything and calling it "crunchy".

People will say, they're being creative, innovative even. A natural progression of cusines is refinement. I get it. I love the occasional avacado and chili combo. But it's too much. Readers of my blog will see my previous post about authentic sushi in Bangkok. Sushi. These places are few and far between. Sadly they are also pricing everyone out of the market. 100USD is nothing at these places. It is only for the rich and shameless as the rest of BKK eats truffle oil sashimi and volcano rolls. Instagram's it and then claims to love japanese food.

Jiro Ono the master of sushi would be rolling around screaming if he came to some places in Bangkok.

Fusion has taken over to become the norm. Lost is the great simple clean flavours of Japanese cuisine. The quality of the produce is replaced with mayonnaise and truffle oil!! I still can't believe it. Truffle oil on raw fish. Next thing you know the French will be eating their Foie Gras with soya sauce!

All is not lost however. Mr X who has already been featured in this blog told me of a place in Ploenchit. A new 5 star Japanese hotel had open there (the Okura). Famed around the world, I was told, was this hotel's sushi. In Bangkok they had brought Yamazato. I knew Mr.X, with his appetite  for expensive food, was going to make me go here. Calling my credit cards to beg them to extend my limit, borrowing from motocycle drivers and my dish washer, he called and said. 'No. It's next to dean and deluca. Called Ogu Ogu'. Sounding a lot like batman I was mystified yet intrigued at this new place.

So we set off to this 'Concept Sake Bar'.

Upon arriving I found all the staff to be very friendly, beautifully dressed and their command of English was brilliant. I decided today I would not break out my flawless Thai and just quiz them in English. I wanted this place to fail. Fusion should be distroyed along with Thai Taxi drivers.

We were given the menus and I was a little taken back. Every section was quite small. Gordon Ramsey use to say 10 things on a menu, only 10 things can go wrong. 100 things on a menu, 100 things can go wrong. The notion being, less is always more in food. Your kitchen will be better prepared, your staff will have better knowledge of the products and the food will always be better. Repetition and consistency is the key for any restaurant. Small menus allow for this and also allows for refinement of dishes.

We saw some amazing things; creative, delicious looking (I love menus with pictures. It always makes me want to order 5 more things) and so well thought out. Dishes kept their Japanese essence, but were taken one step further. The chef was bold yet respectful. Age old traditons and flavors were kept but he wanted to just push the envelope further.

 Japanese fried chicken with whisky and soya sauce 
This dish pretty much sums up this restaurant. It's a traditional Japanese Karage. Fried juicy thigh pieces of chicken usually accompanied with soy sauce. They have added Japanese whisky to add some smokey and sweet notes to the dish. Just brilliant. They have not gone over the top. Simple, elegant and above all still sticking to the fundamentals. 
 Fried lotus root 
A healthier version of french fries. A nice companion with beer. 
THIS my friends, is just brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. One of the few places I've been to that has given me a food boner. This, was like a porn star style erection. I can close my eyes and still taste the flavours. I used the curry as my own dipping sauce. Words really can't describe this dish. GO Eat it! Orgasm and you will understand.   
A brilliant way of presenting one of America's biggest disgrace to sushi! This dish is everything I hate about fusion. The traditional Japanese flavours are all but lost. In its place is chili, mayonnaise and some other madness. However. If you are one of those fools, who's palette is made of tar and road kill. This is perfect for you. You can Instagram it, and brag to all your friends how this was the best Japanese food 'EVER!!!' You will go to food hell. But hey. It's a personal choice. 
Steamed Korobuta with cabbage 
This dish was quite a surprise. For a place that is experimenting with flavours, this was quite bland. Letting the ingredients and technique of cooking speak for themselves. A bit odd. Sticking out like a sore thumb, I didn't know whether to love it or hate it. A part of me loves anything to do with pig. Another part of me was angry. Angry because the dish before was a ridiculous mix of flavours, and yet  this was flavourless. Were they lazy? Or was this just so good even someone who loves to meddle couldn't have the heart to meddle? 

All in all this place rocks. It's trendy and hip without being pretentious and stuffy. Service is amazing, all smiles. The service here is what Thailand was famed for years ago. The food is good. Even this obese over opinionated blogger must admit the 'Volcano' after all said and done was one of the best i have eaten. All the food is just perfect. I am not a sake man, but judging from the red faces and laughter from the tables around me, it was a good place for that as well.

Concept sake bar. Funny name. But good food. 

Tuesday 26 March 2013

If it swims we should eat it.


It’s all the craze nowadays. From René Redzepi Noma where he’s famed for forging for food around forest nearby so he can get the weirdest and sometimes most delicious stuff. To Raymond Blanc who has his OWN GARDEN OF VEGETABLES! Every chef now does not just want the best. They want the best, but next door.

No longer is it “cool” to have Alaskan king crab in European kitchens, because it has travelled too long and has consumed or produced too much poisoned dioxide. Now they want stuff locally made by locals for the locals.

Funny then, that in Asia this trend is not picking up steam. I was at the Sukhothai hotel recently and it said “Authentic Thai Inspired Cuisine Cooked by The Best Thai Chefs”. Underneath it said
"Using New Zealand and US mussels." Hmmmm. I wondered to myself to be fairly intelligent. I read all the Harry Potter books, I don’t believe in the newspapers and I still think Elvis is alive smoking a J (joint) with Tupac. Bar from the severe dyslexia, I would say I’m above average in smartness.

With my intelligence I am not wrong in saying that Thailand is one of the largest exporters of seafood in the world. Having lived here for what seems to be 100 years, (15 to be precise) I have sampled some of the best seafood around. WHY THE HELL THEN are we importing from New Zealand!

If you drive anywhere from Bangkok to eat, every bloody country’s seafood or meat is represented but our own. US scallops, Alaskan crab, NZ mussels and Maine lobster. It’s a minimum 10 hour flight to the closest one of these places!!! Phuket is a 9 hour car ride! It infuriates me when we go to these fancy places, and these chefs are making all this great food and they use everything that’s not Thai. The global movement is pushing for chefs to source locally; if you think it’s bad, adapt your recipe and find alternatives. Noma has a dish made with ants for gods sake!!! 

For those of you who want to see some thing amazing check out COOK IT RAW! René Redzepi is the star of this movement but just YouTube cook it raw hosted by Anthony Bourdain. This is where the world is heading. This will show you what REAL chefs are doing in the world of culinary. 

I understand if we were living in the Sahara desert and you just can’t find stuff. But in saying that, there is a chef called Magnus Nilsson who literally lives and cooks in a snowed in town in Sweden and he only uses stuff he can grow in the summer and stores it in a cave. THAT’S COMMITMENT! That’s talent. 

Hope however is not all lost. There is a beautiful establishment at the back of Sukhumvit Soi 24. Many of us have been going since we were kids. Reservations mean nothing, it’s packed every day. Even on Valentines day. Yes, this blogger took his date to Son Thong. 

Why is it so good? Well, they use the best THAI ingredients, and prepare everything in the freshest and cleanest possible way. 

 Fried noodles with crab meat and spring onion. 
THEY USE FRESH crab meat. Not from the can! The flavours are very Chinese. A great filler if the seafood is not enough.Very simple and delicious. 
On the left - Pepper crab. On the Right - Grilled tiger prawns 

The crab is dusted with some sort of flour before frying. Its absorbs the flavour beautifully. The fresh prawns are just divine. If there was ever an exhibition for fresh Thai food this was it. Honestly it's better than any Maine lobster flown in. Sweet and suclulant meat. HUGE in size. With a dash of spicy seafood sauce. Any valentine will be ready to go after this. 

 Grilled squid. 

As you know from previous posts, a squid that I keep blabbering on about is very tough to cook. Grilling it is just ridiculous because it's always over cooked and burnt or so raw you feel like throwing up. This was brilliant!! Soft and succulent; you could eat this and drink beer forever. They use a little cumin to kill off some of the smell of the squid and gives it a robust flavour.

Salt backed THAI sea-bass

This is an age old technique of cooking. The salt preserves all the natural juices and makes it extra juicy and soft. I had this dish once at the Oriental Hotel in Bangkok  It cost me (well, my dad) a kidney and was under seasoned. This had lemongrass and kaffir lime shoved in the guts of the fish to perfume the meat! NOW THIS IS A MUST TRY dish. The complex flavours and beauty of fresh fish is just intoxicating. 

After all said and done, local is good. It helps the local economy, it preserves the age of tradition and trade. It's fresher and tastes better. More people should be looking at what's around them than just simply watching Jamie's 15mins meals on TV and going to buy all this expensive nonsense that you don't really need. 

This place is a hidden treasure. People will be sitting with diamonds the size of mountain on their ears just to sample the fresh and simple flavours. GO and support them! Next time some idiot tries to sell you NZ mussels tell him to shove it.

Friday 15 March 2013

5 Star Brilliance

Five Star Brilliance.

“Sheraton Grande, Italian, 7pm?” Those words were chilling to my ears. Another 5 star escapade. I couldn’t handle it. How could I go back to another Italian restaurant

 in a 5 star hotel. People will start thinking I only visit places I know are bad so I can make fun of them. I mean it's like when you’re a kid and you get hit for doing something wrong, only a monkey will keeping doing the same thing to get hit again and again.

So naturally I said, “SURE! I'll be there”

In Bangkok recently; where you eat has become more prestigious than what you eat. People say I had dinner at ‘Hyatt, 4 Seasons and St Regis.’ You could be serving donkey ass with poop still inside (most of the time I wish they did instead of the rubbish they put on the plate). Yet people love it!! Places are packed with punters having a blast eating rubbish. People are tagging, hash tagging, instagramming, checking in and out at these places like no tomorrow. THIS HAS TO STOP! 
You are encouraging a bad habit. What we are doing in essence is saying , ‘Hey charge us however much you want, make us mediocre food and we will still eat because you’re in a great establishment’.  NO ONE WILL IMPROVE! It’s like encouraging kids to watch porn, not go to school and eat chocolate all day (day in the life of a food blogger). BAD very BAD.

So could Sheraton prove me wrong? Could they still have pride in what they put on the plate? Is this the place that will have all the 5 star food as majestic and beautiful as the hotel it's in. 

Let's see.

Upon sitting down I glanced at the menu. I was incredibly sceptical. Like a lion stalking his prey, I was ready to tear this place to shreds. But then, something happened. Alfredo Russo happened (wonderful Italian Chef). Looking at the menu I realised that the dishes here are signatures of Alfredos (yes we're on a first name basis now) underneath the dishes were dolcestilnovo, giving credit to this great Italian establishment. Not many people do this anymore. 
Marco Pierre White used to do it at Harvey's in London. He would write the names of the Chefs that inspired him for a particular dish underneath the dishes name. If memory serves me correct, it was Pierre Koffmann’s pig trotter dish that he put “pig trotter made by Koffmann or something along those lines.

So 10 points so far.

We ordered a round of appetisers to share. Now I’m all for world peace and curing world hunger, however sharing food is not on my list of things to do. I’m an eater. I eat A LOT. I’m never full, always hungry and always the person to go ‘no one wants the last piece? OH, I'll have it!’. 

Amuse-bush or cured ham, Sun-dried tomatoes, fresh basil, a fresh ball of mozzarella and a dash of olive oil. 
This is Italy on a plate. Eating all of this at once, you can remember your favorite pizza, your first bolognese sauce, basically the first time you entered an Italian restaurant. Perfect start to the meal. Whilst eating every component I found a refined freshness. Simple and clean flavorous. High end ingredients done with finess. I was excited. 

Look at this! Top quality ham and salami with melons and pickled vegetables. This dish though is not really the mark of a chef. More the mark of a cute sales lady who knew how to sell her products. But none of this was the cheap stuff. The fat from the ham was still on my fingers (for those of you who are idiots and think eating with you hands is barbaric, Ferran Adria eats his ham with his fingers, then with the fat still on his finger tips he dabs his finger tips on his lips, waits a few seconds then licks his lips. The true taste of Iberico or any top end ham is when you taste the fat at body temperature according to the master. SO HAH!!!)  
Ravioli stuffed with Duck Confit in cream sauce. 
Now, after my recent experience with pasta in a 5 start Italian restaurant I was asking for trouble ordering this. Ravilois have to be made in house. There is no other way to enjoy them. Possibly one of the most diffuclt arts to master is to get the pasta thin enough to hold the filling. Too thick and all you taste is pasta or too thin the filling comes flying out. "They are little silk pouches holding bundles of flavours", our chefs in cooking school used to tell us. This I dare say, is a perfect example of a perfect ravioli.  If you're an aspiring cook, chef, maid or work at Spasso Bangkok. Come here and eat this! PLEASE! You will understand the importance of fresh pasta and properly seasoned filling. 
This was for the beautiful lady to my left. Known only as the 'cookie monster' for her uncontrolable urges to consumes massive amounts of cookies and sweets, with a mild case of dessert tourettes (when she just feels like will shout out things like 'OH Chocolate! or' Berries I love berries'). Not really the ideal dinner date but food bloggers can't be choosy. This was a fish on a bed of cream potatos garnished with olives. The fish was cooked very well. Everything came together and well, just lacked a little bit of salt. Great textures and combination of flavours. But hey! compared to other palces this was a 1000% improvement. 
This was for the old man (a young youthful individual that lost his way in the world of business and exercise, gave up drinking. And is now miserable). The dish looks beautiful, very vibrant and rich. Flavours were all there. Could use a little more on the garnish side (with seafood main courses, you need to pack in some more carbs or something filling as the seafood is usually every light). 
 Rost pork with sauté mushrooms and mashed potato.
 WOW! The pork was juicy and scrumptious. The skin is beautifully crisp and roasted to perfection. The mushrooms were nice and earthy. They complimented the rather one dimensional flavour of the pork. Mushrooms done right is great with pork. Gives you an earthy and rich flavour. The mash was interesting, usually puree de pommes
is creamy, fatty and buttery. That's how the French do it, and well they are always right. This pommes puree however just showcased the potato. A refershing change. Thicker and more starchy but rather delicious.

What an experience. This place has renewed my faith in 5 star hotels and their eateries. Sad thing is it was pretty quiet. Maybe they need to add some hookers in their lounge area? I don't know. 
I strongly recommend you to have a go. Their pastas look the part and taste even better. Some of the dishes do lack some salt, but hey ask for some and sprinkle it your self. If MK can be an awesome cooking experience so can seasoning some fish in a 5 Star Restaurant.