Friday, 20 September 2013


Bangkok has lost its mind recently. Everyone claiming they have the best Brunch spot in town. The high so’s are instgraming the shit out of the champagne filled oyster indulged Sundays. The Hipsters are facebooking new boutique pastry shops with ridicules French names.

Me starting this blog has made me susceptable  to such god-awful questions like, Where is my fav brunch place? Hours of discussions and opiated argument’s with my foodie friends, chefs and well lets be honest my bedroom wall. I have an answer, however I have to explain a few things before I give you my answer.

Firstly I hate brunch. For me brunch is at a 5 star hotel where I tactically size up the buffet line. Mentally calculate the cost of the goods, and systematically eat 5 times the amount I have paid. Anything else well, is just silly. Bangkok is full of places with crappy poached eggs, hollandaise sauce that taste like shit and a combination of other “brunch like items/fusion nonsense” that is just unappetizing. It is however hugely trendy. Want to impress a girl in this city, take her to brunch. Want to get 100 more instagram stalkers take photos of brunch. IF you WANT TO BE COOL! JUST BRUNCH!
This pretentious and often ridicules idea that there is time in between breakfast and lunch to eat rather then sleep is just stupid. Places pray on the foolish wannabes that sit in these places sipping their free trade coffee eating garbage and feeling special.

HOWEVER. All my little fatties all is not lost. Salvation has some in the form of 3
Scandinavian bartenders and their famously pretty all male team.

A classmate of mine who was working in London had told me he was moving back to Bangkok. He was tall dark and handsome. A luk krung ( half thai half western) that tickles every Thai persons light bulbs. He was pretty and talented. Since we were in school together his passion and dedication were evident. Working in some of the best kitchens in London gave his the ammunition to fuel his passion. He told me 3 Swedish guys were opening a coffee shop in Sathron and he was going to join them.
I have 3 Swedish friend. Who like most swedes love their coffee. Could it be? Only one way to find out. Like all things in life alcohol is the best way to get information. The Americans have waterboarding I have jaggermister. A small kidnapping and few jagger bombs later, It was true. The brains behind some of the best cocktail bars in Bangkok, The guys who have charmed and intoxicated many screaming women hurling panties, dignity and virginity. The 3 dudes you call upon if you need your martini shaken not stirred. ARE OPENING A COFFEE SHOP.

Have they lost their bloody mind? My poor friend was going to end up working in a sinking ship. Run buy 3 Swedish Vikings without a compass or GPS. What do I do? Watch him fail or by all means give this place a shot. Maybe set it on fire so they can claim insurance.

So I went. I like all of you will know; Love my food. Real food. Greasy, friend, thick juicy meat and mash potatoes. Anything else is well a waste of time.
I stumbled upon a small quaint place. The décor is very Scandinavian. Lots of wood and clean lines, I say my hellos and sit down. The menu is small. Lots of green healthy stuff. After puking in my mouth a little I decided lets give this healthy living a whirl. I was suggested a drink call green, a coffee, pouched eggs and a pulled pork sandwich. To some this may seem excessive. This was my snack as i had already had lunch ( mans got to eat) . The drink was, well green. The swedes have told me that I am the un healthiest thing in Mc Donaldnas. So maybe this will help. I was grossed out. The smell to me was revolting. But… the taste. Absolutely unreal. Every sip was like doing lines of cocaine. Giving you a buzz of freshness. Like waking up amongst freshly cut grass. The poached eggs, were well suveed. Chatin my buddy and chef was telling me the wonders of suveeing food. I think the idea of cooking in a plastic bag, is well. Fucked up. But the texture and the flavor combinations he put on the plate was delectable. Light and fresh. It was like eating from a farm on the countryside. His elegant mix of vegetables, dressings and condiments were spectacular. I found the eggs a little bland but after eating them with everything on the plate I could see his idea behind it.

Then came the second best part of the afternoon. Pulled pork sandwich. Many attempt this delectable dish. ALL FAIL. Pork is usually dry. The bread is shit, there is no sauce no relish nothing. This sandwich people is fantastic!!! Homemade bread with a sour hint. A cabbage relish to die for. The pork. OH THE PORK! Fantastic. Cooked for ages, seasoned to perfection. I dream of this dish at least once a week.  For a blogger with insomnia my dreams are precious.

The best part. Well it’s the coffee. I cant explain why its good. I don’t understand coffee. Mine is usually full of milk and sugar. This. Well this is some other kind of black gold. Have a cup of their coffees with no sugar no milk. Ask them why its done this way. You will too start a food blog and write about it.
So have I changed my opinion about brunch? NO. I still think its ridicules. Have these guys made the best brunch place in Bangkok. Well yes. The coffee is a boutique roast. Their machine cost as much as a house. Their idea and execution is immaculate. These swedes were renowned for making some of the best cocktails. To give it up and do this is. Well its like me becoming a vegetarian. And liking it.

So you want to know where my favorite brunch place is. Rocket coffee bar.

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